Nutrition and Allergies
by Renato Pichler, President of Schweiz. Vereinig für Vegetarismus (SVV)
(Swiss Union for Vegetarianism)
from EVU News, Issue 1, 1996 - Deutsch - Español

Allergies have spread almost epidemically over the last few years. More and more people suffer from allergies. Generally known symptoms are: hay fever, eczema, swelling of the tonsils of the throat and the pharynx.
The term 'allergy' usually blocks the search for the real causes. Instead of trying to find the causes, most of the time only symptoms are being treated and the illness is made out to be incurable. Taking hay fever as an example, it can be illustrated clearly that this cannot be the right way:
Pollen existed already before man appeared on earth. The human organism never had any difficulties with it. Hay fever has only been known for the last few decades. Nothing indicates that pollen had suddenly become 'aggressive', nevertheless, pollen is blamed for hay fever instead of looking for the reasons in one's own organism. Since hay fever has only become so widespread over the last few years, it is obvious that one has to look for the causes in the different lifestyles. All of the (few) doctors who tried to do research on these causes came to the conclusion that animal protein plays a major role in a lot of allergies. Regarding hay fever e.g., to consequently leave out animal protein (1) in the nutrition during about three years can bring about a complete healing if at the same time one pays attention to a healthy diet with a high share of raw food rich in vital nutrients. A lot of allergies cannot be healed without leaving out animal protein completely. This can be seen quite clearly with the so-called neurodermatitis (2) (eczema of the skin that covers the whole body) of babies. A lot of babies react to their mothers' changing from their milk to cow's milk with neurodermatitis (highly sensitive babies may already react if their mothers consume cow's milk while breast-feeding).
Because animal protein is considered foreign to the human organism, the baby's body has to get rid of it as fast as possible. In this process, the skin is being used as an organ of elimination. The baby's eczema of the skin is not a wrong reaction to the cow's milk, but a correct reaction of the immune system to a protein that is foreign and dammaging to the human organism. Naturally, the incurable neurodermatitis goes away as soon as cow's milk is replaced by almond milk or blended fruits.
If one knows that animal protein is considered a foreign body to our organism, especially when heated up (3), it is not surprising that milk is the most well-known allergy causing foodstuff. Therefore, it is questionable whether one should call the healthy reaction of the immune system illness. It would be more correct to call those people sick who do not show any signs of elimination of the poisons while constantly consuming high amounts of heated animal proteins. Because even if the symptoms do not show immediately, this doesn't mean that the body has not been put through this torture for a long time already. When the consequences finally appear after a few years or even decades, unfortunately, the connection with the lifestyle remains mostly unrecognized.
Even if one gets sick 'out of the blue', one should always keep in mind that the human organism is not a bad design and that each symptom of sickness has (at least) one cause. By elimination of the cause(s), health in the body can usually be restored. The suppression of symptoms causes more bad than good. If e.g. the elimination of toxic substances over the skin is prevented by any measures, the poison causes inner damages to the body after some time. These damages are more serious than any rash.
One has come to the conclusion that nutrition is playing a major role with so-called 'incurable' illnesses. Besides other possible causes, asthma e.g. can also be a reaction of the immune system to animal foodstuff. One of the research programs on asthma patients on a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and totally free of animal foodstuff (= vegan) showed that after four months 71% and after one year even 92% were doing a lot better (4)! Milk is known to be a common pathogene for asthma.
One can often hear the objection that a foodstuff, which is being consumed often and well-liked, would not trigger any allergies as one would notice the consequences immediately after consumption of this foodstuff. The reason why this is not the cause is being illustrated in the following statement:
Masking is responsible for the desire of the addict for 'his' specific foodstuff or beverage. This explains terms such as 'habit', 'toughening up' and 'tolerance' which are used to describe general experiences when unpleasant phenomena disappear when one has gotten used to either an allergy causing foodstuff, a chemical or a stressor (namely because of masking).
When a mother tells you that her child had first thown up after consumption of the newly introduced cow's milk and later she boasts that her child is now not only tolerating, but even liking cow's milk because she has insisted on milk-feeding, then she is talking (without her knowing it) about a masked allergy to foodstuff (5).
Unfortunately, the characteristic of a masked allergy to foodstuff is often that one doesn't notice any immediate consequences after consumption of the allergy causing foodstuff, but one even has a strong craving to eat it regularly.
1. Including meat (also poultry, fish and sausage), eggs, milk and dairy products.
2. In Germany, every third baby is already sick with dermatitis (from: Moll/Spiller: Schachmatt den Allergien, 1994, page 9).
3. The commonly used pasteurization is already enough to drastically reduce the value of protein. Dairy products can hardly be bought unheated. Meat is usually eaten heated up.
4. Carper, Jean: Food - miracle-medicine [Wundermedizin Nahrung], Econ-Verlag, page 335.
5. Mackarness, R.: Allergies to foodstuff and chemicals, 1986, page 135, quoted in: Recht, Ute: Behavioural disorders because of wrong diet [Verhaltensstörungen durch Fehl-Ernaehrung], Novalis-Verlag, 1993, page 52 f., Sfr. 22.00.