43. "Path knowledge" is the knowledge connected with the four
supramundane paths of stream-entry, etc. Here, in this passage,
only the path of stream-entry is meant. Path knowledge, like
maturity knowledge, lasts only for one moment of consciousness,
being followed by the fruition knowledge resulting from it, which
may repeat itself many times and may also be deliberately entered
into by way of the "attainment of fruition" (see No. 17).

44. That means that Nibbana has now become an object of direct
experience, and is no longer a mental construct of conceptual

45. The knowledge of reviewing defilements still remaining, does not
obtain at the stage of Arahantship where all defilements have been
eliminated. It may occur, but not necessarily so, at the lower
three stages of stream-entry, etc.

46. See Note 43.

47. The five spiritual faculties (//indriya//) are: faith, energy,
mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom. For details see //The Way
of Wisdom// by Edward Conze (BPS Wheel No.65/66).